samedi 4 juin 2016

Curry Express: delicious meal for lazy days!

Hello my fellow cooks & eaters!!!

As promised we are back with some recipes for you. Today I wanted to share with you a “fast food” express cooking recipe, because let’s be honest we all have those days when you have just no time to cook or, let’s face it, we are just pure lazy! 

But why should that limit us to anything less tan a delicious meal

If you have been following us you will know we paid a visit to one of our favourite shops “Frères Tang” in Paris where we can find oh so many wonderful goodies!

Today I will show you how to prepare an express curry!

The key for this recipe is visiting your favourite Asian/oriental corner and finding a curry paste. Beware! It must be a curry that does not need extra cooking to make your sauce, as we have 3 types of curry. The best choice is the home made version, from scratch (promise we will show you how soon!) then we have the semi-ready to serve where you still must add a bunch of things and prepare a rich tasty sauce and our quick version; this is the one you want!

Chose your level of spice and keep a stock of a couple of these for those days where an express meal is in order.


- 1 table spoon curry paste
- 250 gr of your favourite meat (I chose chicken this time!)
- 1 medium onion
- 2 small tomatoes
- Bunch of fresh coriander
- Oil


1. Chop all your ingredients. 

2. Put in the onion in a cooking pan with some hot oil.

3. Add one table spoon of curry, mix well.

4. Add the chicken. Stir for 3-4 mins.

5. Add the tomatoes. Stir until chicken is cooked and your sauce is mixed well.

6. Add your chopped coriander and serve! 

Don't forget to serve with rice!

Eloisa, for LabCulinaire.

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